Tuesday, October 31, 2006

The result

On Saturday, I pillaged the stash until I was firmly convinced that a new fleece was not needed at my house. I even pulled the rest of the raw Polwarth out(how had I missed that?) and washed it up in an effort to convince myself to steer clear of the fleece sale. I planned to look for a white medium roving that I could dye into a nice jewel tone for a basic sweater. After all, I had one pound of white corriedale roving-so maybe a little something similar to ply with it. That could actually be considered a wise purchase. I felt confident and sure. We set off.

We (C went with me) immediately went to Mary Ellen's booth to stare open-mouthed at her spindle stock. Now, I dearly love my wheel, don't get me wrong, but spindles are just the niftiest little things. Especially Grafton Fiber's Kingwood Mala.

Then we went downstairs to the fleece sale tables. Well, I had to at least LOOK. There were two perfectly beautiful covered white Cormo fleeces. They also had a stunning black Corriedale and two other noteworthy colored fleeces. I walked away. The fact that I came back to examine them an hour later and then walked away again is even more surprising. Rummaging through the stash really helped me! A good thing, too, since when my head cleared I saw this very nice Finn roving which the seller discounted so I had just enough cash-yay! Paid ONE dollar more per pound than I would have for the same amount of fleece.

My mind reels a bit when I think of how many hours I could have spent washing and combing. While I truly enjoy the prep phase, I've got it covered in that Polwarth. I'll be combing it and adding in that white angora next to the Finn.

Didn't see anyone selling time, though. Too bad.


At 8:50 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sounds like you were very restrained!! I had fun at SAFF. Wish some of us bloggers had made plans to meet for lunch or something. Maybe next year.


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