Monday, October 15, 2007


Ok, I've finished the sleeves and am an inch or two away from starting the bottom ribbing. After that, it's a garter st border and I'm done. So, how come I am totally and completely obsessed with casting on this? And this? Is this just happening because I'm nearly done(and perhaps a little bored)with J's cardigan? Or is it the truest sign that fall is here? A raging case of startitis usually accompanies the cooler weather. Hmmm. Maybe a little of both, I think.
Don't think all my aspirations benefit me. I have both wool and a plan for pullovers for C and B, and the plan (along with some wool that needs to be bought) for T. Yep, things are getting a little crazy here.


At 5:54 PM, Blogger Peggy said...

Well, I don't know if it is a bad case of startitis or if it is just those two sweaters are gorgeous!!!! You don't know crazy until you been walking in my shoes. :)


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