My place to record what I'm doing and learning. A fair amount of knitting. Spinning on my Kromski Minstrel. And always reading!
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Friday, April 03, 2009
The weather is super nice today-spring is my favorite time of year! We've had some good rain and now the sun is out and all my little plants are poking up their heads to greet the world. I moved my peonies to the side of the house, which will make dh happy. Now he won't have to watch out for them while he's mowing. I'm transplanting the pepper seedlings this afternoon into larger containers-they are ready for more space but I want to be sure we don't lose them in that one last frost that often shows up around Easter. Everything else in the sunbox is looking great! And my alpine strawberries are blooming!
We are taking our spring break next week-I'll be refinishing a bed and chest of drawers for C's room. I'll post pics before I begin. These pieces have been waiting in the garage for quite some time-but now that nice weather is here-I can get that good ventilation that such projects require!
And here's the finished denim skirt. Simplicity 5524. Good pattern! I'm thinking of making one next winter in a black pinwhale corduroy.
Wednesday, April 01, 2009
About a month ago, I finished up a study on modesty. Nothing formal, just me looking carefully at some passages of Scripture. I began in the garden in Gen 3. Isn't it interesting that the first thing that Adam and Eve did after disobeying God was to attempt to cover themselves? The very first thing! There's no record of their first being angry with each other, angry at the serpent, or even afraid of God finding out. Now those emotions likely were there, but I find it intriguing that what is recorded in the text is that they immediately tried to cover themselves. That flies in the face of what the world says about the purpose of clothing. Fashion, hierarchy, the desire to seduce, protection from the elements-all that is secondary. We wear clothes because of sin and the shame that that brings.
So, what did they make? The ESV translates this word loincloths. And what was Adam's reaction when God came to talk with him as before? He hid himself because he was n*ked. Even Adam knew, when the moment of truth came, that he was exposed and vulnerable. God confirms this awareness of shame and provides Adam and Eve with something that was even more of a covering. The word garments refers to a tunic or coat and is the same word that is used later to describe the Hebrew priest's outer robe.
Now, having said that, I do not think that God gave a divine dress code here. I do believe that the principle of modesty was instituted here and I do infer that modesty may very well mean wearing more than we naturally wish to. Obviously we have deep spiritual things going on in the garden at the Fall. And our focus should be on the spiritual, without question. The sobering picture of human attempts to cover up sin by our own works and God's amazing provision is not lost to me. The fact that there is a wonderful spiritual significance to this event does not mean that there is nothing that we can learn from the physical aspects of it.
The NT word that mirrors this awareness of shame is translated discreet, or chaste, or shamefacedness. The idea is-one who shrinks from crossing over the line of decency and feminine modesty. We have lost this concept as a nation. I looked past the woman replacing my watch battery at Wal-Mart yesterday and saw the shirts on the racks in the Women's section. I honestly thought they had rearranged the store, until I saw the sign. Those little Tees might fit my eight year old.
I am blessed with a husband who helps me understand what modesty looks like. It is not easy to find modest clothing, but it can be done. Elementary sewing skills are also helpful if you have them :~) I bought $20 worth of fabric and have sewn a skirt for both myself and C and a pair of play shorts for T. I've seen similar skirts on the Internet for $40, so it pays to learn to sew a few things. Besides, I find it very rewarding. Much of my day is spent on tasks that will soon need to be done again-dishes, cooking, washing clothes-it's great to look at a finished project! :~)
Warm weather is right around the corner-let's enjoy it without being squeezed into the world's mold!